Global Health

International Women’s Day: Breaking the Bias With Behavioral Science

by ideas42

International Women’s Day is a day of reflection—an acknowledgment that women around the world have long faced barriers to equal economic and social opportunities, and health services (and by extension outcomes). While at times it might seem like many women are fighting an uphill battle with challenging policy environments and resource constraints, behavioral science can […]

Barriers to Feeding Young Children Well During and After Illness: Insight from the Democratic Republic of Congo

by By: Madeline Kau, Emily Zimmerman, and Augustin Ngandu (SBC Advisor, Breakthrough ACTION DRC)

  For young children experiencing an illness, adequate nutrition is critical for recovery. However, children often don’t receive the recommended amounts of food during and after an illness. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 70% of children under five receive less food than usual or no food during episodes of diarrhea. Similar gaps […]

Black History Month: Honoring Black Behavioral Scientists

by ideas42

In the U.S., Black History Month is a time to reflect on the contributions made by Black people in all walks of life, across all industries and in all parts of our society. It’s also a time to celebrate and amplify the voices of those in the Black community and reflect on those who inspire […]

A Look Back on 2021: 5 Behavioral Science Takeaways

by ideas42

Every day, working with a wide range of partners around the world, we use behavioral science to address complex social problems. And each year, we take a moment to reflect on this work, what we’ve learned, and how to build on this knowledge going forward.  As 2021 draws to a close, here are five takeaways […]

World Health Day 2021: Building a Fairer, Healthier World Using Behavioral Science

by ideas42

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clearer than ever that health outcomes for millions around the world are unequal and unfair. The pandemic has upended measurable progress toward improving the lives of millions of people and created new challenges for individuals, communities, health providers, and policymakers, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. At ideas42, our […]